The American Red Cross
- Continuing to provide for Disaster Services and Service to the Armed Forces (SAF) Programs with some variations.
- Direct response to local disasters is being conducted via virtual casework. However, all assistance is still being provided as before.
- The SAF Program continues as before with the exception of providing volunteers in military facilities.
- All Training Services (CPR, First Aid, etc.) have been suspended until further notice.
- The Biomedical Services (Blood Drives), have seen a dramatic shift in the number of blood drive sites available to the community. However, they are still providing life-saving blood products to area hospitals.
***At this time, the American Red Cross could use help in staffing and/or promoting local needs in a couple of critical areas such as:
- New volunteers to assist with local blood drives and disaster responses.
- Virtual “help from home” volunteers (with good computer skills) that could be trained to assist with screening and dispatching needs..
- And of course, the need for local blood donations… it is critical that during this COVID-19 event that we maintain an adequate blood supply throughout Ohio.
For more info, send an email to or visit the volunteer website at …. Blood Donors are also needed in every area – visit to find the closest donation site near you to schedule an appointment!